Be Momentful... an essential app in the modern and meaningful lifestyle toolkit!
sarad747: iOS appstore
Solving awesome mobile publishing problems effortlessly, invisibly. Bye bye letterboxing, compression, noise, blur, pixelation and the rest.
John Osborne: Director
We live in a society exquisitely dependent upon science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
Carl Sagan: US scientist, 1934-1996
Really useful app for forgetful/lazy people like me, instead of having to sneak out to buy a card now I don't even have to get out of bed! Really clean and simple interface so would be a great recommendation for older family members who are not quite as good with technology.
Adil Anwar: Google Play Store review
life saver.. game changer.. amazing.. original.. simple.. fun & thoughtful
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